Everyone has Bruins fever and rightfully so, but they don't play tomorrow afternoon, so take a page out of Happy Gilmore's book and switch to golf..even if it is just for the day. |
Go Bruins! |
BOURNE BRAVES OPEN The third annual Bourne Braves Golf Tournament will be held on Friday, May 20, 2011 at the Falcon Golf Club at Otis Dinner to be served immediately following completion of round. Schedule Registration -- 12:00 noon Shot Gun Start -- 1:00 pm Dinner immediately following Tournament Format Best Ball Scramble Tournament Cost $340.00 per foursome ($85/individual will be partnered on a team) Prizes: *Hole in One *Closest to the pin *Longest drive *Mulligans *Goodie Bags Proceeds go to the Bourne Braves. Please support us as a golfer, sponsor or gift donor.
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